Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The end of the blog

Debunking the Myths is coming to an end.  Between papers at school and my other blogs, I simply do not have the time to maintain this one as well.  I will still occasionally tackle apologetic topics on my other blog, Marching Orders, and I will continue to post on Catholic Quote of the Day, and I have started a photoblog as well, which I encourage all to visit.  This does not mean that my interest in apologetics has waned, but simply that I do not have the time to devote to it that I would like.  Thank you for your readership, and I hope God continues to bless you on your spiritual journey.


  1. Thank you carl, your blog was truly interesting and I am sure it will be up for a long time. Thus being a light to lead many in this dark world.

    Pax Christi

  2. Thanks Carl, Always followed you from the good articles.
